Amenities at the Plaza
Enjoy the convenience of several restaurants in the Poly Canyon Village plaza. Eat a quick snack or a hearty meal without leaving the village. Enjoy your meal indoors throughout our spacious restaurant interiors, outdoors at a picnic table, or take a meal back to your apartment. Grab a juice, coffee, or bagel on your way to class or work.
Enjoy recreation and leisure at Poly Canyon Village in between classes and studying. Poly Canyon Village offers:
- Swimming pool
- Sand Volleyball court
- Basketball courts
- Fireplace lounge
- Music practice room
- Fitness programs through Res Life
- Several flat screen TV's
Services and Support

Additionally, Poly Canyon Village offers the following services and support:
- Canyon Post office - Includes mail, package, notary
- Knowledge Center
- Conference room
- Multiple study lounges
- Housing Administration Office - Apartment access card and assignment assistance
- Facilities maintenance and custodial services
- Apartment & Residential Life Office - CSD and LCC offices and staff
- Conference and Event Planning Office