
Flu Information
Coronavirus Info & Prevention
For up-to-date info on Coronavirus (COVID-19), including prevention measures, please visit Campus Health and Wellbeing's website.
Flu Info
Flu season usually occurs in the fall and in the winter. If you live on campus, it is important to have a plan in place should come down with the flu. We recommend that you stay off campus for the duration of your illness, if possible. When you leave campus, please email your faculty members and the Coordinator of Student Development for your building.
If you are unable to depart campus, stay in your room and self-isolate. Please email your faculty and inform them that you will not be attending class, and contact the Coordinator of Student Development for your building to coordinate campus resources. University Housing staff will deliver a Flu Starter Kit to your room or apartment door. The kit includes cough drops, hand sanitizing wipes, tea, gloves, trash bags, a face mask, tissue packets, and a disposable thermometer. The kit also includes instructions and information about resources for ill students.
Please read your self-isolation instructions from Campus Health & Wellbeing carefully. Seek medical evaluation if you are faint, have dark urine, are vomiting, are unable to keep down liquids, or if you just feel that something is not right. Campus Health & Wellbeing is happy to evaluate students.
Keep in mind that you are infectious with the flu for 5-7 days. You can still pass on the flu to someone else for 24 hours after your fever has naturally subsided (without the use of fever-reducing medication). In order prevent the flu from spreading, please follow your self-isolation instructions.
If your roommate is sick with the flu:
- Limit your contact with your sick roommate and try to maintain a distance of 6 ft. from him/her.
- If close contact cannot be avoided, your sick roommate should wear a surgical mask, if tolerable, when around you or other people.
- Clean commonly-touched surfaces frequently.
- Wash your hands often with soap and water. Alcohol-based hand cleaners are also effective.
- Contact Housing staff if necessary.
For more information about the flu, please see the CDC’s website. For more information on how University Housing plans for the flu, please see the Flu Response Plan (PDF).